Army brat, recovering documentary producer, medieval nerd and writer (both corporate and creative). I live in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada and look up to my two sons (who literally look down upon me).
My first memories – of ancient churches and stained glass windows – are from when my family lived in London, England, and every landing at Heathrow feels a bit like coming home. Perhaps why I am compelled to write about Chaucer, London and Europe.
I studied literature (and Chaucer) in university where my fascination with Chaucer’s life and writing grew, then studied film.
I then had the great fortune to combine both passions and travel to London, Sussex and Majorca to shoot a documentary on the (sadly now deceased) British writer Nicholas Mosley (his expansive Whitbread award-winning novel Hopeful Monsters is one of my favourite novels). I then produced documentaries for television including Life’s Imprint: Lithographs by Jack Shadbolt (broadcast on CBC and Bravo! and sold across Canada) and numerous other video projects.
I’ve been published in PhotoLife and the Globe & Mail, written several short stories and (unproduced) screenplays, and writing is central to my thriving corporate communications dayjob.
Book One of The Storyteller series, The Storyteller’s War, is set in London, Bordeaux, Navarre, Rioja, Castile, and Aragon, and will be released in May, 2025.
Book Two in the series, The Storyteller’s Reputation, was a finalist for the Pacific Northwest Writing Conference Historical Novel competition, and will be released next, date TBD.
Book Three, The Storyteller’s Desire, is currently in draft.