Can’t believe I am holding my book in my hand, and it can be pre-ordered online. The last ten years of struggle, rejection, effort and support have finally paid off. Time for a well-deserved drink!
My author copy arrived not long ago from Black Rose Writing (BRW), my publisher. I found a couple of small things needing to be tweaked, but otherwise I am very pleased with how the book looks. Am also excited to see that the book can be pre-ordered on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Black Rose Writing (see here).
My poor writing colleagues, friends and family members who have been harassed with my news! I am so very grateful for their support.
Next step is to plan the book launch, and for that I need to drip off the revised author copy along with a pitch doc to the bookstore I hope to hold it at. They would first need to agree to take on the book then discuss book launch dates in May (the book is formally available May 8). it’s great to have the book on Amazon, etc. but having it available in a local bookstore where friends can pick up a paperback copy will be the next ah hah moment in my writing journey.
A journey only made possible through the support of many, many people. Including those in my first writing group, called ‘Tress’ and formed at Surrey International Writing Conference in 2018. I will be meeting with them later this morning. I am so very grateful for their honest feedback and ongoing support they’ve provided through countless rejections, (truth be told we count each rejection, and joke about having enough rejections to qualify as a writer), close calls and success. This group, and others, have been so important.
For any writer beginning their journey, or well along the way, find your tribe. They make all the difference.